March 20th Central Harlem Deanery Revival

The Central Harlem Deanery is honored to present the 2021 Revival “Faith in the Midst of a Storm”. We believe this year’s theme is very much in alignment with where we find ourselves during this trying time dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, racism, racial injustice, and our country in political flux.

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This year our revival will look very different than in years past, however we are overjoyed to be able to come together, collaborate and make this faithful yearly celebration a reality.

 This year, the revival will take place at St. Charles Borromeo Church on Saturday, March 20th at 6:00 PM and Sunday, March 21st at 3:00 PM. The dynamic homilist for our revival is Fr. Joseph Espillat. Fr. Espaillat is the pastor at St. Anthony of Padua Church in the Bronx and director of the Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Center. He also serves as the spiritual director to the Archdiocese’s Office for Youth Ministry. He is the founder of the ministry “Messengers of Christ”. The Central Harlem Deanery is honored to have Fr. Espillat lead us spiritually for these two days of worship and reflection.

This year due to COVID-19 precautions, there will be a limited number of seats available to maintain proper social distancing within the church. With that in mind the Deanery still wanted to make this two day celebration a wholesome and meaningful experience for all of the parishioners. Our solution was to offer parishioners the opportunity to gather together to watch the event via livestream at their respective churches or at their individual homes. Safety and comfortability are a priority.

This year all parishioners that would like to attend the revival in person at St. Charles are being asked to register online at or to call the rectory at 212-281-2100. Please note that you will be seated on a first come first serve basis and the auditorium will be used for additional seating to host the event via livestream. The live stream event will also be hosted at St. Joseph of the Holy Family in Kamora Hall. Please call the rectory at 212-662-9125 to register if you would live to attend in person at St. Joseph. You may also watch the live stream on our website HERE and on Facebook.

Download the Revival Flyer


Welcome Father Benjamin


March 19th, Celebrate 150th Declaration of Saint Joseph