March 19th, Celebrate 150th Declaration of Saint Joseph

St. Joseph of Holy Family Bell Statue.jpg

Pope Francis, recalling the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, has proclaimed 2021 a “Year of Saint Joseph”. 

Our church being dedicated to the protection of Saint Joseph of the Holy Family, we invite everyone to join us on Friday, March 19th to celebrate the solemnity of Saint Joseph, whom Pope Francis said is “a beloved, tender, and obedient father.”

We are glad to invite all the Central Harlem Deanery churches to mark this celebration in following us at the 12:00 PM Mass and Consecration to St. Joseph via our live streamed Mass HERE and on Facebook.

Learn more about St. Joseph of the Holy Family.


March 20th Central Harlem Deanery Revival


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