Please Support by Donating
We depend on the generosity
from our parishioners and friends.
Welcome to WeShare, St. Joseph’s online donation tool that will make your giving easier. You can set up a recurring weekly or monthly payment, allocate amounts for different church funds, and view complete, accurate donation histories come tax time, just to name a few of our online features. Getting started is easy. Click on the button below then set up a user name and password. Once logged in, the system will walk you through the process to set up your account and add a source of funds.
We hope you enjoy our safe and secure way to manage your giving. If you have any questions, we have dedicated WeShare Customer Service Representatives who will assist you when you call 800-950-9952, x3 and then x2. You may also call to set up your account, make changes to existing accounts, and reset your password. Thank you!