Parish Council Corner
Through reflection, prayer, planning and support, the parish council will assist the pastor with discerning and achieving the parish mission.
The Parish Council’s main objective is to promote and support the parish pastoral vision and encourage responsible stewardship of the parish while serving as liaisons to all parishioners.
The Council shall advise and assist the Pastor with prioritizing and establishing key goals with a focus on three key pillars:
Build an inclusive community that empowers and spreads the love of God.
Identify the needs of the church while maintaining ongoing communication with the parish community, including procedural guidelines.
Collaborate with the finance committee to foster and support church activities to maintain a financially sustainable parish.
St. Joseph of the Holy Family Parish Council members are Germania Benzo, Angela Carey-Adams, Ileana De La Rosa, Pascal Kaboré, Emmanuelle Lebzabre, Liseli Lugo, Jessica Morton, Karin Peterson, Jairo Salazar, Sylvia Way, and Elodie Zinkone.
To reach the Parish Council email parishcouncil@stjosephsharlem.com.