Serve in One of Our Ministries
We serve God when we serve others.
There are many ways to be active in parish life at St. Joseph of the Holy Family. As Christians serving in a ministry is an expression of our faith. Serving in ministry is also a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parishioners. Below are some of the ministries we have. Please contact us at the rectory for more information.
Serve as a lector to proclaim God’s Word in the Mass and to announce the intentions of the community in our prayer.
Eucharistic Minister
What a great privilege to help distribute Holy Communion in the Mass as a eucharistic minister and to bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick and the homebound.
We’re always looking for ushers who can welcome people to our liturgies, and help them find a seat, or just be of assistance at the door to people coming in.
Music and Choirs
The choirs at the Saint Joseph of the Holy Family help uplift our prayers and spirits. Cantors are present at the Vigil and Children’s Mass. The Gospel Choir edifies the liturgy with traditional African-American spirituals and soulful hymns at Sunday’s 10 am Mass. There are also choirs present at the Sunday Masses in Spanish and French.
Altar Server
The altar server has an important role in the liturgy by assisting the priest. If you have received your First Communion, then you are welcome to take part.