All Souls Remembrance Month

As November embarks on another wonderful season, we look to the Month of November and our remembrance of All Saints and All Souls. Our Church, Saint Joseph of the Holy Family, wants you to know that we will remember all of our faithfully departed not only on the All Souls Holy Day, November 2nd, but throughout the month. Our approach during this pandemic time is to ask you to virtually participate in this remembrance month.

Starting November 1st you will have the ability to not only write and submit the names of those near and dear to you but to also have them in our Book of

Remembrance on our altar at daily Mass. To submit your names online and make a donation click HERE. You may also call the Church Rectory at 212-662-9125 and submit your Remembrance names to anyone in our Rectory Office. Thank you.


In Remembrance of Parishioner Samone M. Jackson


October and November Events